About us
DevNet connects academics, students and development practitioners to facilitate the exchange of ideas, information and research.
The Aotearoa New Zealand International Development Studies Network links people and organisations involved and interested in the broad field of international development in Aotearoa New Zealand and the wider world…
DevNet’s conferences have been held biennially since 1998. Aotearoa New Zealand’s largest, regular conference on international development, provides a great opportunity for people from Aotearoa, the Pacific and others to learn from each other and from international experts. Keynote speakers have…
eSocSci is an interactive knowledge space for communicating social science research and bringing together people who have common research interests in Aotearoa New Zealand. It includes an eLibrary of working papers on topic related to a variety of topics including migration, health, education…
Director of the Graduate School of Geography, Clark University, MA, USA
Director of the Governance and Civil Society Unit at the Ford Foundation
🚨Abstract Submission DevNet 2024!🚨
The abstract submission deadline is just TWO DAYS away! Don't miss out on the opportunity to contribute to critical discussions and connect with fellow scholars and practitioners in development studies. Submit your abstract today!
⏰ Deadline: 14th September 2024
📌 Email: Devnet2024@otago.ac.nz
#DevNet2024 #AbstractSubmission #DevelopmentStudies #CallForPapers
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We are excited to announce that DevNet 2024 is offering a limited number of Conference Grants to support postgraduate students currently studying at New Zealand tertiary institutions, as well as postgraduate students, academics, and development practitioners from the Pacific to attend the DevNet 2024 Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand.
Please note that the grant application deadline is 11:59 PM (NZT) on September 21st, 2024. Successful applicants will be notified of the funding decision by October 1st, 2024.
To be eligible, you will need to have your abstract accepted to present at the Conference. The deadline for submitting abstracts is fast approaching—please ensure you submit yours by 14th September 2024. For further information on the eligibility criteria and application forms please visit: devnet.org.nz/devnet-2024/
For Pacific participants who wish to attend the conference virtually from the Pacific, we can waive your conference registration fee when you register for DevNet 2024. You DO NOT need to fill out the Conference Grant form.
Don't miss out on this chance to share your work and be part of the DevNet 2024 Conference!
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The following sessions will take place at DevNet 2024, and some of them have space for more presenters. Please see our website: devnet.org.nz/devnet-2024/ for further information on each session.
1. Integrated Approaches to Climate Change, Disaster Risk Reduction, and Sustainability in the Pacific Region
2. Samting i narakain: Diverse Experiences of Change and Resilience in Oceania
3. Reimagining Pacific Health Systems
4. Water Management and Maintenance in Tabiteuea North through Community-Led WaSH Officers – A Case Study
5. Themes on Mobilities Justice
6. How Can We Achieve a Pacific Food Revolution?
7. Shifting the Playing Field of Sport for Development: Ensuring Indigenous and Local Voices Matter
8. Knowledgeable Insiders, Useful Outsiders, and Solidaristic Collaboration for Change: Flipping the Dialogue – What Could Localisation Look Like?
9. Regenerative Tourism for Community Development and Resilience
10. It’s Time to Change!: Exploring On-the-Ground Climate Mobilities in the Pacific
11. Decolonisation and Relationship Building: Navigating Power Dynamics in Development Work
12. Planning and Development Studies: Exploring the Connections for Policy, Research, and Teaching
13. Shared Decisions: Gender, Governance, and Climate
14. Arts and Literature in Development Studies
NB we are still accepting abstracts on other topics which align with the general themes of the conference. The submission deadline for abstracts for the DevNet 2024 Conference has been extended to September 14, 2024. The early bird registration deadline is now extended to October 11, 2024.
DevNet will offer a limited number of Conference Grants to support students currently studying at New Zealand tertiary institutions, as well as students, academics, and development practitioners from the Pacific whose papers are accepted for the DevNet 2024 Conference in Dunedin, New Zealand. Stay tuned for further information on the eligibility criteria and deadlines for the conference grants.
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We are happy to share another story about our awardee, Valery Wichman, from Massey University.
"Valery’s research topic: Kia Rauka I Te Turanga Memeitaki no te Iti tangata Anuanua o te Kuki Airani-Towards attaining holistic wellbeing for the Rainbow community of the Cook Islands.
“The research is a deliberate endeavour to shed light on the experiences of a unique and often marginalized community. It aimed to address the question, ‘what is Tūranga Memeitaki for the Ānuanua community’?
Grounded in the Akapapa’anga methodology (Powell, 2021), which delves into the intricate web of relationships and connections among individuals and groups, this research employs Māori genealogical analysis to unearth the nuanced dimensions of Tūranga Memeitaki within the Ānuanua community. By drawing upon family trees, oral traditions, historical records, and diverse information sources, this approach offers a comprehensive understanding of the community’s wellbeing dynamics.
To navigate the sensitive nature of discussions and the subject matter concerning the Ānuanua community, a novel method known as Kai Vānanga Vatavata (attentive conversations – Kai Vananga is a Cook Islands Maori concept which literally means spiritual food for conversation. While Kai typically denotes “spiritual food” as a noun or “to eat” as a verb, its juxtaposition with Vānanga infuses the conversation with a sacred essence. This thesis theorised the addition of the word Vatavata which means closely attentive with empathy – a notion that has been added for sensitive conversations) has been developed. Inspired by other Pacific approaches, this method has been customized to accommodate the specific needs and concerns of marginalized communities, ensuring respectful and culturally appropriate data collection and interpretation.
The principal outcomes derived from the Kai Vānanga Vatavata highlight the imperative of conducting research that is culturally relevant and led by Ānuanua for Ānuanua. It underscores the urgency of ceasing the compartmentalization or ‘othering’ of the Ānuanua community, recognizing resilience and beyond both within this community and more broadly, and transitioning from a focus on wellbeing to an emphasis on whole being.
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to DevNet for awarding me a scholarship to pursue my Master’s thesis. This generous support not only alleviated financial burdens but also validated my dedication to advancing research in my field. With this opportunity, I was equipped to delve deeper into research, broaden my knowledge, and contribute meaningfully. I am grateful for this vote of confidence in my abilities; thank you sincerely."
Please click here to read Valery's research policy brief: devnet.org.nz/valentino-wichman-massey-university/
#Institute of Development Studies at Massey
Valery Wichman
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Valentino Wichman, Massey University
Valery’s research topic: Kia Rauka I Te Turanga Memeitaki no te Iti tangata Anuanua o te Kuki Airani-Towards attaining holistic wellbeing for the Rainbow community of the Cook Islands.