Home DevNet Graduate Profiles Sulaiman Sarwary, The University of Canterbury

Sulaiman Sarwary, The University of Canterbury


BA in Political Science with a focus on Humanitarian Interventions and a Master of Law – integrating Human Rights Based Approaches in development (University of Canterbury). BA in Political Science with a focus on Humanitarian Interventions and a Master of Law – integrating Human Rights Based Approaches in development (University of Canterbury).
Sulaiman Sarwary photo


My university years helped me acquire knowledge and practical skills, including analytical skills to challenge the status quo and help me come up with a better alternative. These university years have equipped me with skills to deal with real life context; providing crucial emergency and development assistance to programme participants on the ground. As development practitioners, our focus is always to ensure there is equitable and sustainable assistance so that marginalized and vulnerable populations can have durable access to basic rights. On the ground, it is more challenging and that is where the knowledge and skills we acquire during our university years become so relevant to make a positive change in the lives of these marginalized population. My studies continue to provide me with the vision, framework and passion to help marginalized communities have access to basic services, services which are often taken for granted elsewhere.

Current role

Given my past work experience and the new qualifications, my first job after graduation was with a World Bank funded community driven development programme in Afghanistan as the Head of Facilitating Partners Management Department (FPMD). I led a team to manage 33 NGOs delivering basic services to communities across the country. Later, I worked with Afghanaid, a London based charity, as Deputy Director of Programmes and later as Director of Programme Development and Resource Mobilization to help deliver assistance to the most marginalized communities. Currently, I am working as Director of Programs with Mercy Corps Indonesia after having worked with Mercy Corps Afghanistan in a similar role for over two years. It is indisputably stressful work but surely rewarding. Opportunities do matter and I grabbed mine when I did my UC degree (LLM by research) with the support of my amazing supervisors: Dr Natalie Baird (Law) and Dr. Jeremy Moses (Political Science).[/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

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