DevNet 2010

DevNet 2010: Making Development Sustainable: Connections, Learning, Commitment

1-3 December 2010 | Massey University | Palmerston North


DevNet 2010 was based on the need for sustainable development. Keynote Mason Durrie captured the audience’s attention with a discussion of indigenous development, focusing largely upon positive Maori experiences in Aotearoa New Zealand; Marilyn Waring spoke about gender and sustainable development; Meg Taylor discussed her role as Vice President of the Compliance Adviser Ombudsman with the World Bank; John Connell addressed urban development in the Pacific; Allen Foster spoke of inclusive development including disability. These fantastic keynote addresees, along with many other interesting talks, made the conference a worthwhile experience.

Themes throughout the conference included the changing nature of NZ’s aid programme, Aid Effectiveness and disaster recovery, to education, livelihoods and a workshop on Asset Based Community Development.

Thank you to all those who attended, and special thanks the organisers, keynote speakers and volunteers.

Conference handbook

Keynote address video recordings

Sir Mason Durie
Slides only

Marilyn Waring

Meg Taylor

John Connell
Slides only

Allen Foster
Unfortunately,  Allen Foster’s video presentation is unavailable, however his slides are here.

For more conference photos please visit our flickr album.

Conference papers

ABCD presentation_ Jennings, Shona and Radebe, Duduzile.pdf
4.12 MB

Aid and Development Network LAUNCH.pdf
154.45 KB

Ali, Murad. USAID, the Paris Declaration and Pakistan.pdf
7.31 MB

Averill, Kate. Using results frameworks.pdf
503.03 KB

Batten, Leslie. Negotiating challenges in targeted health promotion.pdf
1.28 MB

Berma, Sulehan & Shahadan. White Gold.pdf
2.54 MB

Bevan , Marianne. Hand in hand together.pdf
1.03 MB

Borovnik, Maria. Seafarers and Piracy.pdf
1.3 MB

Brace and James. Retrospective reflections from a community to community school building project.pdf
5 MB

Broadbent, Adele. Power, Media and Development.pdf
474 KB

Bulloch, Hannah. Understanding Local Notions of Development.pdf
311.9 KB

Cameron, Ed. RSE Scheme.pdf
1.22 MB

Cheema, Abdur Rehman. Role of the mosque in disaster risk governance.pdf
1.41 MB

Christ, Karly. Rapa Nui women, land, and the struggle for sovereignty.pdf
345.82 KB

Cochrane , Lynette. A student’s perspective of development policy formulation.pdf
440.76 KB

Connell, John. Pacific Urbanisation – The Future is Urban …pdf
3.04 MB

Cronin & Bonte-Grapentin. Disasters are never invited.pdf
3.46 MB

Daly, Michele. Samoa coastal infrastructure management plans.pdf
1.26 MB

Dogimab & Stewart-Withers. Using the power of sport to address HIV.pdf
268.42 KB

Donald, Simon. Mobile Phones Mitigating Vulnerability to Natural Disasters.pdf
799.46 KB

Duckworth, Sally. Integrating M & E into Programme Design Devnet presentation.pdf
1.68 MB

Durie, Mason. Maori development in the post-settlement era.pdf
2.93 MB

Evans, Monica. Fatherhood in Valparaiso.pdf
1.6 MB

Farrelly, Trisia. Indigenous community-based ecotourism as Indigenous Social Entrepreneurship (ISE).pdf
150.67 KB

Ford, Kristine. Maternal mortality in the Solomon Islands.pdf
668.26 KB

Foster, Alana. Men-Streaming Peace.pdf
824.76 KB

Foster, Allen. KEYNOTE Inclusive Development.pdf
1.31 MB

Geary, Mattie Nichol. Indigenous Concepts Lost in Translation.pdf
59.91 KB

Gegeo, David. Globalization and the challenges of sustaining development.pdf
1.06 MB

Gegeo, David. Indigenous Dev- Confluence of ancient and modern wisdoms.pdf
446.09 KB

Gilbert, Marni. (Re)emerging peasantries.pdf
1.42 MB

Green, Wren. Progress Towards Development Effectiveness.pdf
364.69 KB

Hanks, Morgan. Sanctions, aid and sanctioning development.pdf
655.89 KB

Harman, Andrea. Education, an Enabling Right.pdf
1.58 MB

Hasan, Kamrul. Knowledge Power and Health Care.pdf
163.51 KB

Henderson, Chris. The Limitations of Locating Education for Sustainable Development.pdf
1.34 MB

Horita, Akiko. Cambodia and Aid Effectiveness from an Agriculture and Education Perspective.pdf
93.45 KB

Joskin, Anna – Challenges of Implementing a Sustainable Secondary School Reform Curriculum.pdf
401.84 KB

Johnston, Andrew. Developing Relationships.pdf
280.83 KB

Johnston etal. Exploring the elements of an effective recovery process.pdf
3.76 MB

Kelly, Susanna. Capacity Building.pdf
693.42 KB

Kelly, Susanna. Engaging with anthropology.pdf
134.24 KB

Kemp, Justin. Military involvement in international disaster response.pdf
2.23 MB

Kerese, Manueli. ICT for Sustainable Development.pdf
1.93 MB

Khan, Nasir. Freedom Amidst Natural Disasters.pdf
454.61 KB

Khanal, Martin and Wilson. Information structure of vegetable supply chains.pdf
2.54 MB

Khanal, Martin and Wilson. PAPER. Information structure of vegetable supply chains.pdf
448.95 KB

Khanom, Naiyer Fathema. Women Entrepreneurship Development in Bangladesh.pdf
1.17 MB

Kiddle, Luke. Informal Settlers, Perceived Security of Tenure and Housing Consolidation.pdf
1.09 MB

Lacey, Anita. Aid, trade and security.pdf
352.6 KB

Mackintosh, Hannah. Human rights- another tool in the kete.pdf
705.91 KB

Marino, Eugenia. Culture and ICT for Health.pdf
1.95 MB

Marlow, Emma. Addressing masculities.pdf
889.6 KB

Martin & Tuileapa. Poverty in rural Samoa.pdf
342.74 KB

McGregor, Overton and Challies. NZAID presentation.pdf
925.39 KB

Mitchell, Lucy-Educational aid in the Pacific.pdf
1.81 MB

Mohamed, Nizar. Learning from Cyclone Nargis.pdf
3.27 MB

Muhammad, Imran. Transport Governance in Pakistani Cities.pdf
6.64 MB

Mwaraksurmus, Amton – Mathematical certainties.pdf
320.64 KB

Nguyen, Huong Lan. Confucianism and growth policies in East Asia.pdf
187.53 KB

Palomino-Schalscha, Marcela. Indigenous peoples, Development and Tourism.pdf
3.12 MB

Powae, Martin and Dries. Fair Trade Coffee Chains in PNG.pdf
393.54 KB

Powae, Martin and Dries. PAPER Fair Trade Coffee Chains in PNG.pdf
351.23 KB

Prinsen & Overton. Sim Games.pdf
1.16 MB

Radhakrishnan, Priyanca. Unholy Matrimony.pdf
293.61 KB

Rahshid, Tahmina. Making Poverty History.pdf
467.54 KB

Rees, Aaron. Somali piracy.pdf
1.89 MB

Riach, Michael. Enterprise Development.pdf
6.15 MB

Roberts, Karl. Self-identity and transition for Samoan secondary school students.pdf
1.25 MB

Rushton, Renee. Exploring community economies.pdf
480.73 KB

Russell, Matt. Bourdeiu & Tourism.pdf
300.88 KB

ScallyIrvine & Sos. Reflecting on the Social Context of Development.pdf
977.91 KB

Scheyvens, Regina. Tourism Disasters Thailand.pdf
3.3 MB

Schischka , John. The Capability Approach and Fair Trade.pdf
2.65 MB

Schulenkorf, Nico. Sport for Development in Divided Societies.pdf
1.11 MB

Shah & Reyes. It Takes Two to Tango.pdf
973.41 KB

Shahadan, Berma & Sulehan. Orang Asli Nascent Entrepreneurs in Malaysia.pdf
2.5 MB

Simpson, Ced. Development Effectiveness.pdf
1.66 MB

Skeaff, Laura. Preparing for social action.pdf
3.2 MB

Smart, Jessie. Economic Change and Urban Agriculture.pdf
658.62 KB

Smith, Acacia. The changing realities of urban agriculture in Suva, Fiji.pdf
232.39 KB

Smith, Hilary references.pdf
24.4 KB

Smith, Mike. Changing Aid Environment Panel Presentation.pdf
1.55 MB

Swain & Broadbent. VSA’s role in promoting education leadership.pdf
1.12 MB

Swain & Ulu – Rethinking Tokelau education.pdf
1.09 MB

Tantingco, Hilda. Social entrepreneurship in the Philippines.pdf
993.6 KB

Thomas, Pamela. Community fragmentation and unsustainable health development.pdf
2.8 MB

Tuileapa and Martin. PAPER Poverty in Rural Samoa.pdf
350.27 KB

Wellmann, Gwendolyn. Military Offsets and Development.pdf
139.54 KB

Williams, Peter. Agribusiness Expansion and Labour in Chile.pdf
1.96 MB

Wrighton, Nicki. Power, Participation and Development.pdf
181.7 KB