On behalf of the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT),
DevNet is administering the
New Zealand Postgraduate Development Research Awards 2021
Special Covid-19 Application Round
A special round of applications is being opened for the New Zealand Postgraduate Development Research Awards.
This round is being opened in acknowledgment of New Zealand’s Safe Travel advisory, as well as the practical impediments to recipients re-entering New Zealand, and entering Pacific countries, due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
These special awards will be for researchers based in New Zealand (undertaking no overseas travel). However, the research must be on and for the benefit of a developing country (or multiple countries) in a sector (or sectors) where the New Zealand Aid Programme is active.
Research on Development Issues
The goal of the New Zealand Postgraduate Development Research Awards is to support research by students studying in New Zealand institutions on development issues of relevance to the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade and to foster the capacity of future New Zealand development professionals.
Value of Awards
The awards are provided to qualifying students who undertake research as part of their post-graduate study.
The value of an award in the Covid-19 round is:
- research as part of a Master’s programme – NZ$4,000
- research as part of a Doctoral programme – NZ$6,000
We expect that the funding from the Award will go towards costs such as hiring research assistance in the relevant country and paying for their travel and associated costs, koha for research participants, domestic travel, stationery, transcription services or survey tools.
Research Priority Areas
The funding prioritises research in the Pacific but is open to other eligible research locations in which New Zealand has an active aid programme.
Information on MFAT’s investment priorities and policy priorities is available on the Ministry’s website: https://www.mfat.govt.nz/en/aid-and-development/our-approach-to-aid/our-priorities.
Application due date for the Special Covid-19 Round
Applications are due by 16 May 2021 to info@devnet.org.nz
Visit the link below to download the application form and supporting document templates:
Award Regulations
Details on the awards can be found in the regulations below:
- Award Regulations 2021 [PDF, 195 KB]
Key Contact
Any questions regarding requirements for applications should be directed to the Awards Administrator at info@devnet.org.nz