Session Proposal

It’s Time to Change!: Exploring On-the-Ground Climate Mobilities in the Pacific

Session Proponent Masami Tsujita (National University of Samoa) and Assoc. Prof Anita Latai Niusulu (National University of Samoa)

Session Contributors:

Anita Latai Niusulu (Associate Professor of Geography, Faculty of Arts, NUS)

Josephine Vaosa Ogeuta (Lecturer, Faculty of Arts, NUS)

Salafai Ah Tong (Postgraduate Student, Development Studies, NUS)

Masami Tsujita (Associate Professor of Development Studies, NUS)



At the 4th Pacific Oceans Pacific Climate Change Conference held in Apia in May 2024, several presenters predicted that the altered weather patterns in the region currently being observed in the region, will potentially change the frequency of climate change-related disasters in coming years. These predictions often emphasize the physical characteristics of Pacific Islands as small, remote, and low-lying, contributing to the discourse of vulnerable Pacific Islanders who are at the forefront of the climate change battle. Although these predictions contain some truths, our session aims to advocate shifting the focal point of discussions from the global to the local scale and from macro to micro movements, looking at how people are adjusting to changes on the ground. The session focuses on narratives that demonstrate the adaptability of Pacific Islanders to changing environments, particularly in the context of climate change, and their ability to develop a variety of climate resilience strategies. The session also discusses the field methodologies that enable or hinder the capture of on-the-ground and micro-movements in the Pacific context. We are interested in empirical contributions that advance our understanding of the adaptability of Pacific Island communities to changing environments and the appropriateness of filed methods for such research.