Session Proposal

Reimagining Pacific Health Systems

Session Proponent: Sharon McLennan (Vic)

Session Contributors Akisi Ravono, (University of Fiji) Pacific Staff and Postgraduate Students, Otago Global Health Institute. 


The COVID-19 pandemic challenged health systems worldwide, with health system capacity being significantly tested in Fiji and other Pacific nations.  The pandemic highlighted the vulnerabilities of these systems, where longstanding issues such as inadequate infrastructure, workforce shortages, and disparities in access to care were brought to the forefront.  However, amidst these challenges lies an opportunity to build stronger, more resilient health systems which are contextually relevant, and proactive and preventive rather than merely reactive.

This session aims to critically examine the current state of Pacific health systems and explore innovative pathways for their re-imagination The discussion will centre on developing health systems that are contextually relevant to the Pacific, posing the question: How can Pacific health systems be re-imagined to ensure resilience and sustainability?

Subtopics that may emerge from this central theme include:

  • What lessons can be learned from the pandemic response in Pacific nations?
  • In what ways can Indigenous knowledge and practices be integrated into modern health systems?
  • How can we build health systems that are proactive and preventive, rather than merely reactive?
  • How can partnerships between governments, local communities, and other actors be strengthened to support health system resilience?

Proposed Format:

The session will be conducted in the format of a Talanoa, a traditional Pacific approach to dialogue that emphasizes inclusivity, storytelling, and collective understanding.  This format is particularly well-suited to the session’s aims, as it encourages participants to share firsthand experiences, insights, and aspirations in an open and respectful environment.

The session will feature approximately four panelists, each providing a brief (around 5 minutes) response to the central question: How can Pacific health systems be reimagined to ensure resilience and sustainability?  These initial responses will set the stage for a broader discussion, where panelists and participants can engage in an interactive dialogue, sharing ideas and potential solutions. 


This session will be co-hosted by the Otago Global Health Institute. Our goal is to attract additional contributors who are engaged in health system research, policy-making, and implementation in Pacific nations.