Home Awardee Profiles Adriu Naduva, University of Otago

Adriu Naduva, University of Otago

Adriu’s Research Topic: Societal factors affecting Mandatory Reporting (MR) practice of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA) by Fiji professionals – facilitators and barriers

I would like to thank the Award for its invaluable support, which has enabled me to carry out my fieldwork in Fiji. Generally, it has been an exhilarating experience to be the first to have new knowledge of a subject which has been the focus of one’s research efforts over the past couple of years. And to see how a small piece of information fits into the broader jigsaw puzzle of global knowledge.

Specifically, the exercise has been a treasured experience of research during the second wave of the Covid19 pandemic that hit Fiji. The pandemic has shaped and revised my entire fieldwork. And therein lies my silver lining to this crisis. I have been able to explore and push my boundaries to new ways of data collection. This has endowed me with new knowledge and practical experience of doing research. I have been able to better understand the dynamics of online research amongst a study population that is still finding it new. In the process of adaptation and change, I have found out what works and what doesn’t among this group of participants. This research has uniquely taught me life-long lessons that I can use in the future. I am indeed grateful for the support that has enabled all of this”.  

Adriu Naduva, PhD Candidate in Sociology, October 2021

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