Speaker portal: DevNet2020

The DevNet2020 organising committee has been impressed by the abstracts and sessions submitted by researchers, practitioners, policy-makers for this year’s conference. We are currently receiving presentation slides and scheduling IT testing with virtual speakers. Confirmed Speakers may download the DevNet2020 Speaker Guide here:

Next Steps

  1. All submissions have been considered and successful speakers notified.
  2. Speakers are being scheduled into the conference programme.
  3. The provisional conference schedule can be viewed here.
  4. Speakers will receive an email with their final session allocation and the Speaker Guidelines for setting up their session.
  5. Upload your Presentation Slides here: https://devnet.org.nz/abstract-templates-and-submission-links/
Session types

Abstracts were submitted to the following sessions:

  • General sessions: abstracts for research or applied presentations on any topic related to the conference theme and questions. Abstracts submitted to these sessions will be grouped with other similar abstracts.
  • Named sessions: abstracts for research or applied presentations corresponding to specific named conference sessions (download detailed description of these sessions here.
  • Student session: Postgraduate students are encouraged to submit abstracts of their research proposals or preliminary results in this session. Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes and presentations will be eligible for a prize.  Alternatively, you may opt to submit an abstract to a general or named session for a longer presentation time slot (e.g. for those with well-developed results).

Named conference sessions open for submission of abstracts

Please note that you can also submit to a General (unnamed as yet) session as long as your presentation aligns with the conference’s overarching themes.

Achieving Social Justice and Human Rights through Tourism- Fact, Fluid or Fiction? Labour mobility in lockdown
Addressing the inequality in the academic knowledge production between the researchers in the Global North and in the South Pacific Localisation of development
Beyond business as usual: Recasting ‘development’ for regenerative economies? Measuring progress against the SDGs across the Asia-Pacific Region
Climate Mobilities, Mobility Justice and Planned Relocation in the Asia-Pacific Our voices matter: Bringing an Indigenous perspective to the Sport-for-Development (SFD) Field
Confessions of a Development Practitioner Resource extraction and land grabbing in the Pacific
Decoloniality in Development Studies in Aotearoa: engaging race, gender, sexuality, indigeneity Responding to COVID-19 in the Pacific: Challenges and opportunities for doing development differently
FinTech’s Development Futures SDGs: Just another set of goals?
Geopolitics and international development cooperation in a time of coronavirus Talking aid: communicating for a better world
Health security The heart of Indigenous tourism
Interrogating Partnership in the Changing Governance of Development between the Global North and South Tourism sector resilience and realities in times of crisis

Key dates and deadlines

  • Early-bird Registration opened – 1 July 2020
  • Call for Abstracts closed – 14 September
  • Early-bird Registration closed – 27 September 2020
  • Registration closes – 15 November 2020

We look forward to seeing you at #DevNet2020!