Louisa Wall, Plenary Speaker DevNet2022

Ambassador for Gender Equality (Pacific)/Tuia Tāngata

In announcing Louisa’s appointment, the Minister of Foreign Affairs highlighted how this would lift Aotearoa New Zealand’s support for the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (5 and 10) in the Pacific.

Louisa is a strong advocate for girls and women’s rights and is passionate about human rights and equality. As Ambassador Gender Equality Pacific, Louisa will contribute to ensuring effective participation by women and LGBTQI+ peoples, at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life in the Pacific. Louisa will further deliver on these goals by identifying partnerships and new activities to support Sports Diplomacy initiatives that contribute to gender equality.

Louisa was a member of the New Zealand Parliament from 2008-2022 and was Co-Chair Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians, Co-Chair Global Organisation of Parliamentarians Against Corruption and Chair Inter-Parliamentary Union. Louisa’s work is founded on a commitment to universal human rights together with promoting the rights of indigenous peoples, gender and sexual minorities, guaranteeing universal access to family and sexual health services and strengthening women’s rights through increased political participation.

More About Louisa

A priority for Louisa in her work with community leaders is to help create and cultivate the environment for the next generation to dream and to fulfil their potential. As a former Silver Fern (netball) and Black Fern (rugby) Louisa knows that striving to attain goals can be achieved through focused effort and with the support and encouragement of our families and communities.

Passionate about human rights, Louisa is committed to developing initiatives and policies that benefit our society and protect the rights of our most vulnerable.

Louisa has worked to address the issue of homelessness by working closely with LinkPeople, Police, local businesses and community organisations.  She supports the Housing First model, where people are given a home first and then they are linked to the wrap-around support they need to sustain a tenancy.  In South Auckland, Louisa has negotiated access to showers and medical assistance for homeless people in the community until such time as housing has become available. 

A strong supporter of women’s rights, Louisa has been instrumental in upholding these rights with several initiatives. Responding to concerns from school principals in Manurewa, Louisa negotiated an initiative where Countdown who partnered with Salvation Army to supply women’s hygiene products to young women in need both locally and nationally.  She was instrumental in forming the community organisation ‘Aid 4 Periods’ in which volunteers produce sanitary pads for distribution.  As co-chair of the Commonwealth Women Parliamentarians Louisa has led work to address issues of sexism, harassment and bullying in Parliament and with the Human Rights Commission and community organisations to address issues such as ending child brides, FGM, pay equity and pay transparency. 

Louisa is a human rights campaigner, promoter and advocate for LGBTQ+ persons in New Zealand to ensure that the voices of this community are being heard at the highest levels of governance and advocacy at home and on the International Stage.

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