Home DevNet Conferences #DevNet2020: Call for session proposals

#DevNet2020: Call for session proposals

We are delighted to invite you to propose sessions for the DevNet2020 conference, to be hosted by Massey University from 2-4 December in Palmerston North.

Conference themes

Regardless of who we are or where we live, we all want our whānau, friends and communities to live safe, healthy and prosperous lives on a thriving planet. At the DevNet2020 Conference we will explore contemporary development matters, by asking the questions:

  • Why does development matter and how?
  • How can we achieve the Sustainable Development Goals?
  • How can we stop climate destruction while also reducing poverty and inequality?
  • What are Indigenous perspectives on social change?
  • Should we abandon the ‘development project’ and embrace an alternative way of viewing human and planetary life?

If you care about the wellbeing of people in Aotearoa and around the world and about the Earth we live on, Development Matters is the Conference for you.

What is a session at DevNet2020?

A session is a 75-90 minute segment of the conference that has a unified theme. We are seeking creative, inspirational formats in addition to conventional paper presentation sessions. Session proposals could include debates, workshops, reflections on policy, round tables, talanoa/kōrero outside on mats, slam poetry and so forth. Feel free to collaborate with others across the development sector (academia, MFAT, NGOs, community groups, consultants) to propose an entire session that you will recruit people for and run (in which case, details of participants and their organisational links should be provided), or merely suggest a theme and format then when we do the Call for Papers we will see if others would like to join your session.

What topics or themes will be considered?

Topics might range from ‘Confessions of a development practitioner’ through to ‘Climate action at work in the Pacific’, ‘Measuring progress against the SDGs’, ‘Health security in the wake of measles and COVID-10’ and ‘Does the private sector really care about development?’.

Key dates

You have until 24 April 2020 1 June 2020, so don’t delay submitting your session proposal. Please download and complete the template here or below and e-mail it to devnet2020@devnet.org.nz.

Call for papers

Following a review of the session proposals, a Call for Papers will open on 11 June 2020. This is this time when individuals can submit abstracts which either relate to a specific named session, or which align more broadly with the conference themes.

Follow us on Facebook or Twitter for regular updates.

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