The DevNet2020 Conference Committee are excited to share that we remain committed to hosting our conference later this year (December 2-4). In the face of the COVID-19 situation, we have spent the last month pondering how we can best deliver a 12th Biennial Conference in a time when ‘Development Matters’ more than ever.
Adjusted key dates
Firstly, we have decided to extend the deadline for the call for session proposals (now June 1st). Furthermore, the call for abstracts will now open on June 11th. Please also see updates to other key dates on the conference website.
Innovating Development conferences
We plan to host a face-to-face conference for domestic delegates, as well as those from neighbouring countries if travel restrictions are eased. To encourage the inclusion of international speakers and delegates, we will also incorporate significant online components and remote participation options.
We’re looking at ways to configure all aspects of the DevNet2020 to allow optimal participation by all delegates and speakers, regardless of location. Therefore, as soon as we have the details worked out, we will provide more information about online participation. Look out for specific pages on technical requirements for speaker and delegates and other FAQs.
Furthermore, we’ll document and share and lessons learnt with development practitioners and organisations.
Follow and share #DevNet2020 updates
Please watch for updates on the conference news page here.
Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or our blog for regular updates.
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In the meantime, we look forward to receiving your session proposals and hope that you will be part of DevNet2020 in December.