We are delighted to announce the first call for abstracts for the 12th Biennial Conference of the Aotearoa New Zealand International Studies Network (#DevNet2020). The DevNet2020 organising committee now invite researchers, practitioners, policy-makers and others to submit abstracts for research and applied sessions.
Abstract Submission
The deadline for abstract submissions is: 12 noon NZ time on 30 August 2020.
Abstracts for the following presentation types are welcome: Research presentation or Applied (practitioner) presentation.
Abstracts should be submitted through the relevant submission link (see below).
Please visit the website for paper details and submission guidelines. Scroll down to download templates from this blogpost.
Session types
Abstracts must be submitted to one of the following sessions:
- General sessions: abstracts for research or applied presentations on any topic related to the conference theme and questions. Abstracts submitted to these sessions will be grouped with other similar abstracts.
- Named sessions: abstracts for research or applied presentations corresponding to specific named conference sessions (download the detailed description of these sessions here.
- Student session: Postgraduate students are encouraged to submit abstracts of their research proposals or preliminary results in this session. Speakers will be limited to 5 minutes and presentations will be eligible for a prize. Alternatively, you may opt to submit an abstract to a general or named session for a longer presentation time slot (e.g. for those with well-developed results).
NB due to space restrictions, we will unfortunately not be able to accept all proposed presentations and, depending on submissions, we might sometimes prioritise those who can present in person.
Named conference sessions open for submission of abstracts
Please note that you can also submit to a General (unnamed as yet) session as long as your presentation aligns with the conference’s overarching themes.
The following named sessions are inviting abstracts:
Achieving Social Justice and Human Rights through Tourism- Fact, Fluid or Fiction? | Labour mobility in lockdown |
Beyond business as usual: Recasting ‘development’ for regenerative economies? | Localisation of development |
Climate Mobilities, Mobility Justice and Planned Relocation in the Asia-Pacific | Measuring progress against the SDGs across the Asia-Pacific Region |
Confessions of a Development Practitioner | Resource extraction and land grabbing in the Pacific |
Decoloniality in Development Studies in Aotearoa: engaging race, gender, sexuality, indigeneity | Responding to COVID-19 in the Pacific: Challenges and opportunities for doing development differently |
FinTech’s Development Futures | SDGs: Just another set of goals? |
Geopolitics and international development cooperation in a time of coronavirus | Talking aid: communicating for a better world |
Health security | The heart of Indigenous tourism |
Interrogating Partnership in the Changing Governance of Development between the Global North and South | Tourism sector resilience and realities in times of crisis |
A more detailed description of these sessions can be found here or downloaded here.
Look out for details of other named sessions at #DevNet2020 on the website at the end of June 2020, and remember, if your proposed presentation does not fit one of the above categories, you are welcome to submit it under the General session category.
Important Dates
- Early-bird Registration opens – 1 July 2020
- Call for Abstracts closes – 30 August 2020
- Early-bird Registration closes – 14 September 2020
- Registration closes – 15 November 2020
- Conference – 2 – 4 December 2020 #DevNet20
Download abstract templates
Download session descriptions
Submit abstracts
Conference format
We will host a face-to-face conference for domestic delegates, and those from neighbouring countries if travel restrictions are eased. To encourage inclusion of international speakers and delegates, we will also incorporate online components and remote participation options. Keep an eye on the conference website for details of online participation opportunities and applicable conference rates.
More information
- For more information on the conference: https://devnet.org.nz/devnet2020/
- Questions? Contact the organisers: devnet2020@devnet.org.nz.
- Follow us on Facebook, Twitter or DevNet blog for regular updates.
- Subscribe to the DevNet mailing list for conference news delivered to your inbox: click here
Click on the social media buttons below to share this post with anyone who may be interested in participating in #DevNet2020. Thanks for helping us to spread the news!
We look forward to seeing you at #DevNet2020!