DevNet 2018

‘Disruption and Renewal’

5 – 7 December 2018, University of Canterbury, in conjunction with Lincoln University, Te Whare Wānaka o Aoraki and the New Zealand Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade (MFAT)

The theme of Disruption and Renewal is appropriate to our Canterbury region, which has experienced considerable disruption and renewal since the 2010/2011 earthquake sequences. But ‘disruption’ and ‘renewal’ are experienced elsewhere in the world, as well as in government, policy making, theory, and the practice of development.

The conference was held at the YMCA and the Arts Centre in central Christchurch.

Click here to see Conference Handbook with full details on the programme and speakers (including bios of the Keynote and Plenary speakers), and here to see the Abstracts from all of the presenters. Scroll down this page to browse many of the full papers and presentations.

Selected conference presentations and papers

A politics of critique and hope – Beban.pdf
1 MB

A politics of critique and hope – Beban – speaking notes.pdf
48 KB

Blending customary and modern strategies for indigenous enterprises – Rice.pdf
5.7 MB

Border closure as pandemic response policy for islands – Prinsen et al.pdf
2 MB

Caring masculinities in Cambodia and Samoa – Rogers and Stewart-Withers.pdf
1.5 MB

Christian NGOs working in Bangladesh – Doorey
2.9 MB

Climate change adaptation in the Solomon Islands – Butcher.pdf
18 MB

Climate crisis journalism in the Pacific – Robie and Marbrook.pdf
4 MB

Coffee certification and inclusive development in Costa Rica – Nunez.pdf
1 MB

Communal land titling in Cambodia – Kiddle & Brass.pdf
752 KB

Competencies in Development Studies Teaching – Bell et al.pdf
594 KB

Connecting the partners in international development – Lewthwaite.pdf
2 MB

Cuba and health care in the Pacific – McLennan.pdf
2 MB

Disasters and women in coastal Bangladesh – Khan and Loveridge.pdf
763 KB

Disruption and renewal in Samoa’s health services – Thomas.pdf
755 KB

Economic development on customary land in Fiji – Vunibola.pdf
1 MB

Educational development in Nepal – Thapa.pdf
683 KB

Equitable Knowledge Ecosystems – Young.pdf
2 MB

Evidence to action through MFAT programme evaluations – Dibley.pdf
2 MB

Exploring discourses of the refugee welcome in NZ – Slade.pdf
2 MB

Extractivism, forests and rights – Bebbington.pdf
932 KB

Fairtrade in the Pacific – Bennett.pdf
1 MB

Faith based humanitarian actors – Banfield.pdf
440 KB

Feminist postdevelopment practices of care – McKinnon.pdf
223 KB

Focus on relationships at Oxfam NZ – Finlayson.pdf
371 KB

From women’s business to men’s business – Hill and Tebao.pdf
8 MB

Gendered access to land and food security in Nigeria – Nnaji.pdf
483 KB

Gendered aspects of business success in PNG – Steven.pdf
2 MB

Geographies of displacement and loss in an era of climate change – Miller.pdf
2 MB

Haryani – Women’s participation in leadership re disasters in ASEAN.pdf
1 MB

How can churches lead to better national outcomes in PNG – Hamlin.pdf
72 KB

Huong Do & Dombroski – M&E and climate change.pdf
2 MB

Increasing vasectomy uptake in Kiribati – Tebao and Hill.pdf
5 MB

Indigenous entrepreneurship on customary land – Scheyvens et al.pdf
857 KB

Informal land rentals and female entrepreneurs in PNG – Koczberski et al.pdf
641 KB

Infrastructure, extractives and resource governance – Humphreys Bebbington.pdf
358 KB

Livelihood disruption and renewal re ebloa in Sierra Leone – Bateman.pdf
2 MB

Local adaptation for climate change in NZ and Nepal – Rennie et al.pdf
3 MB

Maternal child health & disaster risk reduction – Sajow.pdf
948 KB

Mobilising land for the blue economy in Solomon Islands – Schwarz et al.pdf
2 MB

Participatory MEL – Young.pdf
7 MB

Partnerships for SDGs in conflict-affected contexts – Bell.pdf
39.6 MB

Pigs, Politics and Petroleum in PNG – Banks.pdf
894 KB

Political disruption and renewal in Somalialand – Walls.pdf
536 KB

Pregnant women and malnutrition in NZ – Raven and Stewart-Withers.pdf
1 MB

Taking a stand for West Papua – Tallon and Tabuni.pdf
847 KB

The changing moral economy of customary land transactions in PNG – Curry et al.pdf
1 MB

The role of men in family planning in LaoPDR – Lorkuangming.pdf
3 MB

Vaka Moana as policy space – Newport.pdf
645 KB

Value networks in Chilean and Peruvian viticulture – Williams.pdf
408 KB

What’s quality got to do with it? – Boardman
748 KB

Why is decentralisation not always participation – wildlife reserve example – Matevosyan.pdf
436 KB